The world is so full of natural wonders that you can discover new, incredible and amazing places every day. These incredible places are scattered all over the world and can be very different: from individual monuments to water expanses, from ancient settlements to modern cities.
Not for everyone they will turn out to be interesting, inviting or at least delivering aesthetic pleasure, but someone will consider them the most amazing places on Earth. And, yes, all these places are real! Well, if you are not planning a trip yet, then you can have fun at home on the casinochan login website.
Valley of Love, Turkey
Far away in the arid and dusty plains of Asia Minor is one of the most important attractions of Turkey. Cappadocia is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, because here you can find ancient cave settlements, underground monasteries and examples of Byzantine art. It is probably one of the most historically important areas in the Middle East. It may seem rather strange that this area is also home to a whole forest of giant stone phalluses. You heard right! Due to the long history of geological changes, the rocks in the vicinity have acquired bizarre shapes.
The most unusual forms were formed in the Valley of Love. High rocks, crowned at the tops with slightly conical thickenings, look like a penis. The whole valley is full of them: huge stone phalluses stretch as far as the eye can see. It is not surprising that this area is now a favorite place for funny people from different countries who take funny photos.
Jatinga Valley, Assam, India
This village with a population of 2,500 people is known all over the world for an inexplicable phenomenon — the suicide of birds. Most of the migratory birds that find themselves here will never leave the city, because they will drop dead for no reason. The case seems even more incomprehensible, since the birds always fall between 6:00 and 9:30 pm on moonless nights in September and October. These mass suicides occur only on a strip of land measuring 1.6 km by 183 meters.
It is said that this phenomenon has been repeated year after year without interruption for more than a century. Locals explain it this way: evil spirits in the sky make birds lose their lives. But scientists have their own version. They believe that thick fog at high altitude makes birds dizzy, as a result of which they hit trees and buildings, and eventually crash to death. Another version proposed by scientists is that birds are attracted to the lights of the village, and subsequently because of these lights they cannot navigate. None of the theories, however, has evidence and does not reveal the mystery of this mysterious place in India. So the phenomenon continues to intrigue the minds of both residents and tourists.
Cape Slope Point, New Zealand
Cape Slope Point is the southernmost point of the South Island of New Zealand. This region is constantly blown by fierce and cold south-westerly winds from Antarctica. The wind here is so powerful and gusty that the trees are bent in the direction of the wind. Sheep are mostly bred here, and apart from a small number of these artiodactyls, there are no people or other animals in this part of the island. There are a few abandoned shacks built under the protection of trees, but even they are abandoned.
Impressive sheer cliffs descend to the ocean. The views of the rocky coast and the surrounding cliffs are truly amazing. A small pointer shows the distance to the equator and the South Pole. There is also a small lighthouse in the middle of agricultural land. There are no roads leading to Slope Point, but it can be reached on foot in 20 minutes, following the dilapidated yellow signs.